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Changzhou Qiangdi drying equipment co., LTD.-Legal declaration


  By clicking on this website, it means that you agree and accept the terms and conditions contained in all the agreements of the site and the immediate notices published in this website, and comply with relevant laws and regulations on the Internet and the rules and regulations of the website.

  All the information contained in this website is provided by Changzhou Qiang Di drying equipment Co., Ltd. and is uploaded to this website after being audited. We try our best to ensure the accuracy, completeness, authenticity and legality of the information. However, the company will not be liable for any errors, lengthy explanations, misunderstandings or any other inaccurate understanding of the content of this website.

  This website information is a service to company customers, partners, employees and the public, for reference only. 

  Without the written permission of the company, the information and information contained in this website shall not be copied, published or published for any purpose in any media.

  Information and information on this website will be notified without alteration.

  If there is any infringement in this station, the obligee can notify us immediately and provide corresponding proof of rights. We will deal with it at the first time.

  The explanatory power of the above statement is owned by the company. If there is any dispute, it can be settled in the people's court where our company is located.